Falls are often a worry for the elderly. And recent data suggests that the number of falls in those over 75 are increasing. This number more than doubled between the year 2000, and 2016. Furthermore, the number of fall related deaths rose from 8,613 in 2000 to 25,189 in 2016. The reason for this rise is not fully understand, however Physical Therapists everywhere are hoping to counteract this trend.
A recent study looked into the recovery and quality of life between fall risk patients who received balance PT, and those who did not. The trial selected adults over 70 who had previously fallen. Half of the patients received what was termed “usual care”, and the other half a home-based strength and balance program. The group receiving Physical Therapy performed strength, balance and walking exercises 3 times a week for 30 minutes. The exercises were then increased in difficulty as tolerated.
Following the 1-year study, data was analyzed and showed that those participating in PT had a lower number of falls. Although the physical therapy intervention did not eliminate falls (1.4 per person a year vs 2.1 falls per person in the “usual care” group), the reduction demonstrated the significant benefits of Physical Therapy. Fewer falls are associated with reduced injury, death and improved confidence and quality or life.
If you, or a loved one are worried about falling, or have already been falling, contact Fyzical today!